For most of you that know me, I'm not usually a health nut when it comes to food. But lately, I kept hearing that green tea is so good for you, blah, blah, blah. So, I decided to see what all the hype was and bought some Diet Lipton Green Tea. I actually bought the diet accidentally, not looking at the bottle. After about half way through drinking this, I was really enjoying it...until I looked at the label again, noticing "DIET." I blurted out "Damnit! Why did I buy diet!" But I finished the drink with mild disgust and went on with my day. Well, a few days later, I bought another bottle making sure it wasn't the diet. After cracking the cap, and taking a swig, I wasn't as impressed. I thought to myself, "You know, the diet was actually better tasting than the regular...odd." So before I left the gas station, I ran back in and bought the diet...just for instant assurance that I did like the diet. Sure enough, I did. So now I'm on this big Diet Green Tea kick, buying cases from Sams Club. I'm so addicted to this stuff, it's not funny. And maybe it's a mental trick, but my body does actually feel better. And it's the little stuff too, like I always had sinus blockage...I just never seemed to breathe a fresh breath of air. I don't notice it much anymore. Day-to-day energy seems better. And surprisingly I tend to keep better focus on things. It's really weird how this actually makes me feel better. Hell, usually it was the Jim Beam that made everything better! Not that some green tea drink could ever replace my bourban/whiskey! What kinda Scotsman would I be if I gave that up! But long story short, this stuff rocks and I'm totally hooked. And for only $10.88 for a 24 pack of this stuff, it's a steal! That's about .45 cents per bottle! Sure beats the $1.29 I was paying at the gas station...crooked bastards!!
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