Lets just set the mood, shall we?!
You just cut the grass, edge the grass on the sidewalk, and sweep up all the clippings. You yard looks great. Next thing you know, hours later, there lies a huge pile of something foreign, sometime foul, something brown and lumpy...yes it's fresh dog crap. 5 occasions later, you start to fued and get filled with anger, thinking a walker-by let their dog do their business in your yard, and not cleaning up afterwards. Bloody savages.
It's 8 o'clock in the morning, and everything is usually quiet. You throw some breakfast down, and your quiet morning suddenly comes to an end from hearing a dog barking. Apparently, this dog has bit a child, and took off running. The next day it runs down someone who was jogging by. And the next day, it gets into another fight...this time with a passer-by walking their own dog.
In a span of 2 weeks, there has been 7 huge piles of dog crap, 1 kid bit, 1 runner run down, 1 dog-walker incident, countless livid neighbors...it's almost starting to sound like a chirstmas song. Well, oddly enough I talked to the police about it, and apparently the owner has been fined for her dog running loose 5 TIMES! Now, for what I'm about to say, do not take out of context. Not only do I own a dog, but I love them dearly. I've had my fair share of getting bit by dogs, and I'm not talking about a minor flesh wounds...I'm talking a gaping puncture wound and being able to see tendons, and bone and lots of blood loss. I mentioned to the police officer that the next time, I wasn't going to be so nice and "shoo" him off to the horizon. I'm not going to use my own hands, nor a broom stick...but I have a non-lethal way of hopefully taking care of this myself...a paintball gun. Come'on Fido, bring it on, cause I got several paintballs with your name on it! No more snarling or snapping at me, no more biting kids (especially mine) and no more crapping in my yard. You ass is history!
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