Yes, that's right. Upon further review, I've changed my mind. I still may get the Glock 32C, but for now, I think I'm going to get the Springfield Armory 1911 Mil-Spec. After going to the gun shop today, I probably handled about 20 different guns. Close runner ups were the Springfield XD-40 and a Sig Arm. But the classy 1911 stole my heart. Not only does it fit my budget, it has a double safety (which is nice since I have kids) and it just has that "perfect" feel. There are some guns you just hold and shoot, but then there are guns you hold, FEEL and shoot. I guess between the weight, ergonomics, and ease of operation...not to mention plenty of good reviews...I'm sold on this gun. Only negative I can see at this point is the cost of ammo. Not like I plan on going through several hundred rounds in a week or anything, so I should be ok. More then likely, I'll be able to get out once a year to shoot! Oh well. Anyhow, just thought I would update. The next one will probably be how it shoots!
1 comment:
start saving your pennies now!
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