I'd say for about the past couple years, my hunger for knowledge has steadily increased day by day. In the past few months, it's possible that it's growing into my latest passion. Every night, I'm usually outside to see if it's a clear night so that I can think, dream, and imagine my daily stress away. Several times a day, I find myself thinking about things going on "out there" and often have to snap out of my deep thoughts...no, not by Jack Handy either! (For those who remember, a SNL skit). Anyhow, my favorite star is Sirius, and not because of the satellite radio provider Sirius (although, I LOVE my Sirius Radio!!) but because it's the brightest, and clearest looking star in the sky. No matter of my location (Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, where ever!!) I always try to make sure I see it before going inside for the night. Even though there is SO much to learn about astronomy, I'm eager to learn it all-or as much as I can. After I get a book or two on constellations, planets, stars and I guess the Universe as a whole, I hope to put some of that readings into work by using telescopes. My brother has 2 he wants to get rid of, and I just may be the buyer! Down the road, I may even see about looking for a local astronomy club and see about going to a place with a really big telescope. The greatest part about is all, is the learning of it all is endless. And even better yet, my daughter loves to go outside with me at night, and watch above as well. You can't buy bonding time like that! Of course, she's more interested in watching for shooting stars, but that's ok. And who know's...maybe my son will be interested in it as well. It could go from a personal passion, to a family passion! Anyhow, back to researchin' I go!!! Happy gazing!