Well, today was a very productive day. After getting home this morning from working 48 hours straight, I kicked off my boots and started making some home-made pancakes for the family. My daughter was begging me for them, while little she knew I had planned on doing that already this morning. I let her help out also and I must say, she did an awesome job mixing all the pancake goop together. Anyhow, we filled our belly's with our morning feast of delicious pancakes, and got ready to head out of the house. We went to "Blade Runners" down in Warrendale, PA to introduce our kids into ice skating. Once we got there, we strapped up our skates, and to my surprise, my daughter was walking around with absolutely no problems. This was her first moments on ice skates for God sakes! Well, we walk from the common area and head to the rink. Her first seconds on the ice were priceless! She (pardon the phrase) froze and wasn't sure of what to do. I held her hands and we started off. I tried to give her some pointers, but she was too interested about what was going on around her. After several back-breaking minutes of leaning over to help her out, she was starting to get the hang of it. After going about half the rinks' distance, I turned back towards my wife and son, which both looked like they needed some help. So, I swapped our kids out, and took my son for a long, painful 20 feet. I think he found enjoyment falling for some reason. I think it was to touch the ice, and start gathering some ice chunks to attempt to eat. I know, very odd child of mine but we pressed on and focused on skating away. For only being 2, I'd say he did real well. As for my daughter, I was very impressed with how quickly she picked up on it. She still was learning her balance, and stability, but towards the end she made it from the middle of the rink to the door (which was at an end of the ice) pretty much by herself. I only managed to sort of fall once...only cause I was showing off a little. =) Needless to say, I'll be looking forward to the next time we go! And especially now since I got my new skates sharpened!!!