Thursday, December 13, 2007

What was I thinking!

Ladies and gentlemen, the 2007 D'OH of the Year Award goes too...
...Folks, was there much competition? Yes, I got the award. And I really have no defense to receiving this wonderful award other than, D'OH! As you may have read in my previous posts, I got a new job and of course I'm getting all the little things out of the way that needed to be done. Things such as getting them proper documentation, a physical, and so on. Well, Tuesday I had an appointment to meet with a doctor to go over my flawless physical to deem me "fit for duty." Well, Monday comes and goes...Monday night comes and goes...Tuesday morning comes and oh, wait. I have a phone call. Oh, it's just my boss asking why I didn't show up to the doctor's appoinment. WHAT!!!!!!!!!! Oh $#*@!!! After a complete loss of time, and a smack back into reality, I was still confused. How could something like this have past right through that piece of tissue between my ears called a brain? And just to bring you up to speed, the day before (Monday), I put in my two weeks notice with my current job to let them know I would be leaving. After giving the notice, and given a laudry list of things to do, I continued to work and start this list. Then next morning rolls around and I get an early start. So early, in fact, that I totally lost track of time, and didn't even think about the appoinment I had set that day...Tuesday. Moving along, while in the conversation with my new boss, he asks if I still wanted to job. My heart sank. My ears started to ring. The sickness began. Despite all the feelings, I quickly replied (and probably my quickest/smartest response ever), "Yes, absoultely I do! 100% I totally lost track of time because I was so busy with my current job getting things done." To make a long story short, I got rescheduled and the rest is history. As expected, my physical came back with no problems, and I'm good to go. For someone who is usually so organized, almost to the point of OCD, I really couldn't believe I let that appointment slip my mind. Am I disappointed in myself, absolutely! Am I greatful that I was able to be rescheduled and no harm was done, you're damn right I am! Will I most likely be the butt-end of some jokes when I start my first day at my new job? Would I expect anything less!!! I'll be working back in a Fire Department! That's the nature of the beast!

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