Product is supported by Jay-Z, right? Wrong.
I was watching ESPN2, the 2006 World Championship of Poker, when it was interrupted by Verlander's no-hitter during the 8th inning. Congrats to him by the way... Anyhow, during a commercial break, I see this commercial for the pictured product. Thinking this was a bogus commercial for something funny, turns out this is an actual product. So, I went on-line to check it out. Apparently, this product has been around since 1958, but it's the first time I've heard of it. I couldn't believe of the ever-so-close simularity of the racial slur. As a matter of fact, half paying attention to the commercial, I thought they did say that racial slur. After reading the history on Jig-A-Loo, turns out they explain the name. See for yourself. Anyhow, good luck Canada...cause once Al Sharpton see's this product, get ready to pucker up for some bullshit! LOL