Every guy has had it done, and will continue to do it until he dies. So long as he has a job, yearly (or routine) health physicals must be conducted. And I know every man HAS to dread it. Not only do you have to sit there for 30 minutes filling out paper work, then sit around and wait for another 15-20 minutes, then get your blood drawn, ekg, and so on. Of course the moment every straight man can't stand is when the doctor checks for a hernia. "Ok, I need you to drop your pants, and turn your head and cough" echo's in our pain-staking mind as he violates you. And I don't care if you're Mr. Long-Dong Won, your respective "piece" sucks up back inside you like an innie belly button...cause if it doesn't, then you must be swinging the bat in the other direction if you know what I mean. Anyhow, it just really sucks. Even though it's only for medical reasons, there's nothing in the world that makes a man feel so uncomfortable when another man has to examine your "junk." But, fortunately (unless you have a problem) he's never long down there. Now, if you're lucky like one of my good friends, he managed to have a female doctor do the deeds. Apparently, the female doctor had another female intern (supposedly both Dr. and intern were lookin fairly good) in the room observing the proper procedures. Which in his case, he popped some semi-wood to "impress" the ladies...not on purpose of course; so he says. Ahhh, the joys of getting old! Isn' there a better way???
my last physical was taken by a hot young doctor...wish i remembered her name she was firm but oh so gentle :P
I have always had female docs. Call me homophobic but I don't want some guys hands on my junk.
Although I think that if some jerk went into the female doctor's office with semi-wood, I'd recommend the doctor using her foot to "cure" that lickety-split!
What Dr's are you guys going to? Not like I had an option either since it wasn't my dr. It was for a job physical...or should I say volunteer job. I just joined the local HAZMAT Team.
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