Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Jigga What??

Product is supported by Jay-Z, right? Wrong.
I was watching ESPN2, the 2006 World Championship of Poker, when it was interrupted by Verlander's no-hitter during the 8th inning. Congrats to him by the way... Anyhow, during a commercial break, I see this commercial for the pictured product. Thinking this was a bogus commercial for something funny, turns out this is an actual product. So, I went on-line to check it out. Apparently, this product has been around since 1958, but it's the first time I've heard of it. I couldn't believe of the ever-so-close simularity of the racial slur. As a matter of fact, half paying attention to the commercial, I thought they did say that racial slur. After reading the history on Jig-A-Loo, turns out they explain the name. See for yourself. Anyhow, good luck Canada...cause once Al Sharpton see's this product, get ready to pucker up for some bullshit! LOL

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Death by Ben??

I've heard of some crazy, odd, and bizarre ways to die, but this has to top the charts. I just happened to come across an interesting article while browsing around. Apparently, a 17 year old girl overdosed on methyl salicylate, an anti-inflammatory found in sports creams. Move over ephedrine...you too anabolic steriods; the new precautionary drug to watch for is Bengay! It's insane to think that a supposedly harmless (or should I say helpful?) medicine could potentially poison someone to death.
So I guess next time your old bag of bones get sore and weak, be sure to use this lethal stuff cautiously. Perhaps a soak in the bath would be better? Poor girl...

Friday, June 01, 2007

Bloody English!

I understand standing up for what you believe in...I understand showing your support for what you believe in...but has it gone too far? Lately, the bandwagon to jump on, is to protest the war like to hippies did back in the 60's. I don't quite understand that, cause these men and women fight for our freedom. I don't understand that one guy who chains and locks himself to a tree, just so it doesn't get cut down. And for the basis of this post, I really don't understand protesting England's royal family for supposedly mistreating animals. Apparently, Prince Philip beat a fox to death during a fox hunt. Now, maybe I'm real heartless, but who cares if he did that. It's a hunt! Well, some nasty S.O.B. decided in his protest, he would cook up a Corgi, (which is also the Queen's favorite dog) and eat this cooked dog, on the streets of London. Now, look at this dog in the picture. This is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and it doesn't look like there is much meat on this thing. Granted, he seasoned the meat with some good stuff...but what a whack-job! It's a dog! A nasty little chipmunk chaser! But, I guess if it got his point across, then he succeeded. Although, I'm not sure why you would eat an animal that looks so close to a fox...maybe that's why he decided on the Corgi. I guess people go through any medium to be heard. But, I'm sure he could've done something a little more tasteful (no pun intended!)...like a blog maybe??